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Getting Naked in the Garden

We are coming to the end of another year, and for me, this is a great time to take out the garbage. Get rid of some of the old stuff, and look back on what I learned, what’s different, what I care about now. Today is the solstice, the darkest day of the year, and my favourite day, because it signals that light’s going to have to come back.

I’ll be teaching lots over the holiday season, including on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve, so come rock out with me (or chill out with me) and get through this holiday stuff. My schedule is here.

I’ll be in Seattle this February, doing two Creative Flow workshops at Maya Whole Health, so come check that out with me. More info to come!


In the meantime, read this article from elephant journal on getting naked in the garden and how we are all really just Adam and Eve screwing it up over and over again (and how that’s a good thing):



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